Saturday, March 31, 2012


Phew. Well, it's been a few weeks since we've posted. BUT--whoopty doo, we have internet now! Hopefully this will translate to more blog posts and more Skype dates. There is so much to share--where to even begin? Maybe a follow up from my last post? Sounds like a good start. God is still continuing to walk with me through this journey of finding joy in Him through every circumstance; good or bad. As many of you know, I've always loved other countries, people groups and culture. Both Traylor and I have traveled many regions of the world and have wanted to explore the possibilities of overseas missions. We see our time in Korea as a "stepping stone", if you will, for what God could lead us to in the future. I fantasized about what it would be like to live in another country for longer than short term projects, and now that I am living it, I am finding that it is isn't always as "romantic" and naturally comfortable as I pictured in my head. We both have real jobs with pretty intense, long, exhausting hours (We are at school from 9am-7:30pm Monday through Friday). Most of our week days are spent indoors with kids--all day long which that leaves little time during the week to venture out. We've been sick. For days. And still have to work. We are being stretched, we are being challenged. But at the end of the day (ok, maybe the end of the week :)) I am reminded that it is worth it. Fighting for what God has called you to do is worth it. And, He will give you strength to keep fighting. Not only that, but He always hears our cries for help. I've been so comforted by David in the Psalms: "O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice...", "The Lord hears when I call to him" and one of my recent favorites Psalm 3:3-4: "But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the LORD and he answered me from his holy hill." 

So, the week days are are hard here. The kids really are fun (most of the time), but the days are so long. (I promise, this blog is not a pitty party! Keep reading!) Like I said before, that really means that our week days are mostly spent at school, which leaves little time to explore the culture and pour our lives into others. (Which is what I thought this year would mostly entail). Sometimes I wonder if my kids at school are getting anything I am teaching them, or if we are loving people around us as well as we could be. I think about how tired I am after working, but feeling like I am not being used here like I should be. Like I need to be doing more. God quietly reminds me that He is always in control...He doesn't need me. I need Him. I need His love to flow out of me. I need His love to love these kids, to love our friends, to love my husband. He is what I need. Just seek Him and and all of this will naturally start to flow from my heart. I can't do anything on my own effort!

Man, do I love the weekends here. Such great times of rest; not only physically from our long days at school, but most importantly, spiritually. Lately I feel like God has given me such great reminders of His faithfulness when we find our rest in Him. Since we've both been so sick this week, we haven't been running as much. Today, however, despite my cough from hell, I put on my running shoes and ran outside to embrace the 60ish degree sunlight and blue sky morning. I was running through the neighborhood and looked closely at all of the buds starting to blossom on the trees. I kept running and saw the first cherry blossom trees in bloom! I was reminded of the Gungor lyrics: You make beautiful things out of the dust. Spring is on the horizon and new life is coming! Tomorrow we're hiking over to a neighboring city for the cherry blossom festival. Can't wait!

Since we live in a big city, a lot of things are pretty westernized, but today we found some back streets behind our apartment that made us feel like we stepped out of the city life and into Asia for real. It was a BLAST. We peeked down ally ways, and took pictures of the architecture and shops. We laughed at the 'Korenglish" sayings we found on so many of the awesome shirts we found. We bought a little plant to bring some color to our apartment. We saw tons of street food. Here's a few pics for our exploration:

"Sweet. i like you, just you are."

and my favorite by far: PITHBULLS.

Thanks for journeying with us! We love you guys!

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