Sunday, April 22, 2012


First, a HUGE praise to Traylor’s last post about his dad. These past few weeks have been difficult for Traylor and I, as well as for our families, as we heard the news of Traylor’s dad’s cancer. We are grateful for your messages and prayers, and we were beyond relieved when we skyped with his dad on Friday and he informed us that the MRI revealed that his cancer is contained in the prostate and has not spread. HUGE praise for sure! No chemo, no radiation after the surgery! We are so thankful for the grace and mercy over Traylor’s dad. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Once again, God continues to prove His faithfulness to us and our families here. He can be trusted. “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope that we affirm. For God can be trusted to keep his promises.” Hebrews 10:23

I think that is an overarching theme both Traylor and I have been learning in our two months here.  God really can be trusted to keep His promises. He sent us here for a reason and a purpose, and will not abandon us.  Sometimes I still wonder what we are doing here, but we both know that our main job is not just to be English teachers. We want to share the love that God so richly poured out on us with the people we encounter. I know I don’t always do that well—sometimes I get so selfish and get so caught up in my current circumstances, that I forget to see the needs of those around me.  Pray for me with this. Pray for patience and boldness.  I want people to know about the love and grace that Jesus offers, and the strength He gives when we need it the most.

School: This week at school has been one of the best weeks since we've been here. I've been able to tangibly see how much some of my kids are learning-especially the younger kids. They are starting to at least try and express themselves with the little vocabulary they have. It’s really neat and very rewarding as a teacher! Have I mentioned that my class (of Pre-Kinder) is called "YALE" class? The other class is called "HARVARD". High expectations for these kiddos! The other day I had a planning period at the end of the day and one of my pre-Kinder kids decided to call up to the school to talk to me. I was surprised to hear her voice on the other line when my co-teacher told me I had a phone call! It was so precious to hear this 5 year old trying to talk to me over the phone in a language she is just starting to learn! Here she is in her traditional "Hanbok" outfit for her birthday!

Here are two videos of my kiddos from this past week during our birthday party celebration for little Elina: and

I love the end where she says “Hannah Teacher, no home!” The have also recently started shortening my name to “Hannah T” instead of Hannah Teacher.  So cute.

Here are some recent funny things my older elementary school kids have said to me recently:
  • “Teacher, why your eyes so big?” (Ha…touché)
  • After showing them a video my dad posted on FB, one kid asked, “Teacher, why your dad famous?” Me: “What makes you think that he’s famous?” Kid: “Because he in the TV.”
  • “Teacher, why your cat name is Steve?”
  • “Teacher, I think maybe you are little fat.” (AH! I laughed to keep from crying on this one ; ))
  • Teacher, you have baby?

I’m not too good with words and writing, so here are a few pictures we’ve experienced lately:

At the Cherry Blossom festival in a neighboring city!
I love this picture--Traylor's bunny hat is hilarious. 

Octopus at the market

All kinds of kimchi

Yong on Pajama Day


Pure water from the stream after a hike


Sophia with her chopsticks


View of Changwon from above

this guy.

Cherry blossoms down the street

we love you guys a whole bunch. thanks for following our journey here!

Hannah and Traylor


  1. don't worry about the "fat" comment. it's the benchmark of truly living in Asia. Love you Hannix T

  2. I love the pic of Elina! God is blessing those amazing children through you. NOTHING in life like touching the life of a child in need!
    Love you both!

